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Zone Brooklyn, NY | kchiarini added on May 31, 2020 | Answered

Hi. This city dweller could really use your help. I have a 10′ x 6′ garden and am planting a few tomato and other plants in containers (since I have a stray cat problem). I heard making my own compost is a good idea, but not sure how. I was throwing my excess veggies tops and bottoms into a bin, but when I looked after a week, there is all this liquid on the bottom. I’m guessing that isn’t good. Anyway, I assume I throw that in with dirt and dried leaves, yes? But when do I put it in the plants since I already planted them? Thanks so much!!!! Oh, I could really use your advice on these cats who use my garden as a litter box. Can’t put in a sprinkler system and chicken wire is too expensive. Thoughts? Thxxx

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 3, 2020

Compost is made up of green and brown materials. You had the greens but not the browns. Here is how:



Not sure what you meant by putting in the plants unless you are thinking of a lasagna garden:

Here's what we have regarding cats:

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