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Tomato Plants


Anonymous added on December 22, 2018 | Answered

Good Day! I am a grade 10 student and I am about to make an experimental research about macronutrient deficiency of a tomato plant. I just wanted to ask when is the right time to transplant the shoot with compost? and How to make a compost consisting only one material such as banana peel? Do I need to make it black or freshly crushed? Thank you. Xx

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 22, 2018

I would not plant a young seedling directly into compost. I would mix with some inert ingredient such as coconut husks, or peat moss. I would wait to transplant until it has a vigorous, branching root system. Then I would still say you want to mix in other ingredients that just one. Usually compost that lack balance will cause many deficiencies. If you are going to do this just to see the deficiencies, you will still want to have well composted materials. Here is an article about composting: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/basics/ultimate-beginners-guide-composting.htm

And here is out collection of tomato articles: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/

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