Q.colour of the lupin flowers.
Hello : In my garden (Belgium, Europe) I have now four variants colours of the Lupin flowering:
The usual dark purple, another is dark purple with some light era between the flowers, I have the red Lupin and a creamy-white.
Is the Creamy white a rarity? It just came to bloom without me attending anything about the Lupin Plants, they bloom and grow as they please…Is the creamy white a rare mutation? And Where can I get seeds of the yellow-orange colour plant???
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These are just one of many varieties of Lupine. Sometimes the cream will remain as such, but sometimes it will turn colors later. Since this colour is recessive, it will not express itself, unless the proper breeding has occurred. Sometimes this is just by chance.
You can purchase the seeds from many places online. I would also check your local nurseries.
Here is a link to more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/lupine/