Q.Colorado Blue Spruce Needles Turning Brown
We planted 2 Blue Spruce trees 2 years ago and they had been looking great. 2 weeks ago when we had a cold snap and snow here in Denver metro. Today we noticed that the needles are turning brown. See enclosed pics. We have a drip line that waters these trees. We did turn the water off during our freezing weather but then turned it back on once our weather warmed up. Any help would be so appreciated! Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, it may be suffering from overly wet soils. Soil that does not have a chance to dry out will not allow for root gas and nutrient exchange. Fungicides, and a thorough dry out between waterings can help.
Your local extension service may be able to offer advice, and test soils if you are not able to do so.
This article will help you to care for the tree: