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Broccoli Plants

Q.cold temperature broccoli can take

Anonymous added on December 9, 2014 | Answered

We have broccoli growing in our winter garden for the first time. How cold can broccoli take it? We have covers and insulation and can do what’s necessary but I don’t want to do more than is necessary since it shares a bed with kale, parsley, and spinach. The lettuces and Chinese cabbage are in other beds and we try to protect them from below 25 degrees (also mesclun mixes), although I think they could take it a little colder. I don’t want to stress any of the plants. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 10, 2014

This hardy plant can typically take cold temps from 20-25 F, so you can pretty much care for it as you would your other winter crops if it falls below this--cold frames/tunnels and mulching.

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