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Q.coffee and worm castings

Zone australlia semie arid small rain fall | Anonymous added on April 5, 2017 | Answered

when i add coffee to my worms because it is dry i add water to dampen the coffee it goes through to the drain plug and drips in to a bucket then i tip it on the plants it is a mixture of worm tea and coffee so reading your articale this is ok to use but i feel i need to know more as Iam learnnig as i go Iam new to this game because the coffee makes so much heat i mix it with a small amount off mushroom compost let it sit for 4 5 weeks then add to my worms with small amount off threaded paper should I dilute this mix with water before i use it if so how many parts per/l of water should use knotnoing how much coffee is mixed in with the worm tea
look forward to your reply morrie

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2017

In my research it shows that adding the coffee grounds directly from your use to the worm bin poses no issues.
On average a daily amount of 6-9 Tablespoons is added to the bins with no issues.
When you are separately composting the coffee in another bucket you are just doing some of the worms work for them! That is perfectly fine, if that works for you.


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