Q.Coconut tree, possibly tree trunk infestation
Condition today:
We have 5 coconut trees, one of which had some damage on it’s trunk – we have an issue of termites and we treat our soil (and house) as per our annual contract, we believed this damage was done by termites as our initial attempts to treat them failed (for years) and due to a construction activity which happened near that tree. but the damage when compared to our other trees, which too had termites is considerably more noticeable and is growing slowly.
More details:
-most of the damage starts from the base and doesnot cover the entire circumference of the trunk.
-the tree is sprouting roots from the opposite (not damaged side) of it’s trunk, these roots are actively growing which was not the case 6 years back, but given the fact that our tree hasn’t grown straight up, this may not be surprising and the roots can be seeking more support
-the tree might be healthy too as it bears a lot of coconuts, the number and size of which has been consistent over the years
-i wish to know if this is a normal wear and tear or if it is some other infestation issue altogether.
-When i look at the damaged bark, it looks like several burrows, no.. nothing oozes out the damaged part
– I keep finding these bugs on plants that are near this tree, I never seen them eat foliage and I squashed them every time I see them
-damaged tree trunk and tree pics
-pics of that bug (probably 1 inch or a bit more in length
Thank you!

This does sound like an infestation. There are many things that you can do to flush them out. Neem oil, and garlic oil work for most pests. Making an extract from hot peppers by slicing and boiling them, letting it cool and straining, then spraying can also help.
Here is a collection of articles with more information on making your own pest control, along with many other organic gardening tips.