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Q.Coco liners

Zone 41011 | Anonymous added on May 4, 2020 | Answered

I have used for years, four, 24″ horse trough planters. I went to replace my liners this year only to find that the 24″ liners do not fit snugly into my planter. The interior of my planter is 24″, but the coco liner, which has a tag that reads 24″, seems to be a couple inches short, width wise. So I returned them and bought other 24″ liners; same issue. I don’t know if my memory is that bad and it was like that when I bought them 2 years ago (I got 2 years use from the liners), and perhaps they stretch out with soil so I don’t have a gap on each end? I don’t want to put in soil until i know they will fit well. I can not find a 27″ liner that would probably work. I have 4 troughs, 2 are a slightly different style, but same size, and you wouldn’t notice unless you look closely. So it isn’t a faulty measure of my planter. All 4 are 24″ interior and my liners are to fit a 24″ planter. I tried 2 different coco liner brands, made for 24″ planters. Am I going crazy?? I want to plant them soon. Thanks for reading this.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2020

You can buy a larger size and cut them to fit, or let them overlap.

Here is more information about coco liners you may not know.


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