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Clivia Plants

Q.Clivia Blooms

Zone 14 | Beasel added on October 26, 2011 | Answered

What do I do with the hips that are left after the blossom dies? Also, mine is planted in a shady area outdoors (not in a pot). How do I get it to re-bloom? I’m in northern. CA and there are many clivias in the area planted outdoors.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2011

Most people remove the seed pods, simply because they divert energy from the plant's next bloom towards producing seeds. If you do not want or need seeds, just cut the pod off.

With the plant being planted outdoors, you should not need any special care for them to rebloom. They will go into a dormant period all on their own and will rebloom for you next year.

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