Q.Climbing (flowering) Plant
I am after some info regarding a suitable climbing plant (clematis?) to grow either in a pot or in the ground to ideally train along a metal fence in my small front yard. One side is a sunny spot (during late afternoon) whilst the other is shaded all day. I would like 2 flowering, climbing plants that would be suitable for these spots please! Any suggestions would be very welcome. I have attached some images of what I would like (in an ideal world!) Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
here are ideas for sun and shade. You can use clematis in the sunny side. Do NOT buy the autumn clematis that takes shade. It is terribly invasive. Another invasive is trumpet vine. Trumpet honeysuckle, however, or coral vine, is long blooming, attract hummingbirds, but can get heavy if you don't prune it each spring. climbing hydranges would work for the shady side but it is slow to get started. here are more: