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Clematis Plants

Q.Climbing Clematis On A Sycamore Tree Trunk

Zone London | khadz90 added on April 21, 2020 | Answered

Hi. How do I train a clematis (comtesse de bouchaud) up a sycamore tree trunk? I have seen pictures of blooming clematis on trees, but no step by step instructions as to how to do this exactly. People suggest chicken wire, but is there a way of training the clematis up without the wire? As I feel the wire doesn’t look great. Also, can you climb more than one clematis on a tree? Non vigorous ones varieties. Thanks! Khadija

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 22, 2020

You could try string. Really anything to loosely hold it up until the tendrils grab the bark. Then the tie will be removed.

Here is an article for more information on the care of Clematis:


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Answered on April 22, 2020

Thank you- I’ll have a try with it! If I tied some loose string around the trunk, and then just sort of threaded the longest vines underneath, am I just expecting that it will start to support itself on the trunk? Thanks!

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