Q.Clerodendrum seed proper way to plant
My Clerodendrum Thom. Seeds are ripe, I think, the red has come out on them, & I want to know if I should harvest from plant? Do I plant while the red is still showing on the seeds, or wait till they turn black? There are many & i would love to increase my plants, i dont like taking cuttings, as i dont have much success in this rooting method, in good soil or in water. Any info would b greatly appreciated. I keep them inside in cold weather & place outside on my covered front porch, where they do beautifully with good morning sun, that only gets directly on the pots, not directly on the foliage, except for a very short time, I allow them to harden to the sun, moving the pots very strategically. I treasure these plants, that are close to 20 yrs old. Thanks so much.Joy Garner Newport NC
Bleeding heart vine is easy to propagate by cuttings or serpentine layering. Semi-ripe tip cuttings taken in late spring or late summer can be rooted in water or moist sand or other medium. Roots should appear in about 2 weeks. Seeds can also be planted in spring.