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Clematis Plants

Q.Clematis info

Zone 8/9 | kntjafo added on May 9, 2015 | Answered

I bought a clematis vine in a box with soil sealed in plastic. When I opened it, I thought that I had bought a pack of soil only, after looking through the soil I finally found a seven-inch long bare root tangle with a short thin stem. I planted it deep in well watered, good all purpose soil with the stem standing up. Within three days the stem had turned brown and fallen over. I’m keeping the container watered and in a spot where it gets sun several hours a day with hopes that it will re-sprout. Any ideas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2015

Clematis have somewhat of a reputation for being tough to grow from bare root stock but you are just getting started so it's too soon to tell. When planting bare root clematis, it is recommended to soak the roots (for about an hour) prior to planting and to place the crown 2-3 inches below the soil. I would be very careful not to water it to the point it was damp/soggy.

For more information on the care of clematis, please visit the following link:

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