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Citrus Trees

Q.Citrus Trees

Anonymous added on March 29, 2011 | Answered

I have dwarf container lemon, lime, and orange trees. They do not produce fruit, and I am wondering why. I give them lots of sun and water when I think they need it. I did have a lime, one that produced lots of limes, but then it died.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 8, 2011

Ccitrus trees generally need 2-6 years before they are mature enough to fruit. Your trees may not be quite mature enough to fruit.

Another possibility is that the trees have too much nitrogen. This causes a lot of foliage to grow with little to no flowers and fruit. I would have your soil tested at your local extension office and then add some phosphorous to the soil to encourage blooming.

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