Hello there. I live in Southern California and I have a dwarf Lemon Tree that is filled with lemons and new flowers. This tree gives year round and I am not sure when is the appropriate time to trim the tree. It is in great need of a trim and is VERY unsightly with long limbs here and there which look out of place.
I don’t mind not having too much lemons growing this cycle if it must, I do have another tree in the yard that produces more than enough lemons on it’s own. I just want the dwarf tree to healthy and happy and appealing to the eye. – Thank you very much 🙂
If the tree does not have a slow period during the year, then it would be safe to prune this at any time. Make ure to keep any "sucker" limbs from growing at the base of the tree as well. Since your tree produces so well, I wouldn't be worried about hurting it. Just make sure not to take off more than a third of the tree at one time. If you have to do major trimming, I would suggest doing it over the course of a few days instead of all at once.