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Citrus Trees

Q.Citrus plant losing its leaves

Zone Gothenburg, Sweden | SellyC added on February 11, 2017 | Answered

During winter, I brought my citrus plant into my lounge. Unfortunately, I did not give it a chance to adapt to the new temperature slowly. The temperature inside is around 19-21 degrees. My plant lost all its leaves except for 1 little branch within 2 weeks. Now the branches are drying out. What can I do to save my plant so that it gets leaves and flowers? It is winter right now. I have put in a light that gives it a few hours of light during the day, and I even put in a humidifier to hopefully give some humidity since it is very dry inside.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 13, 2017

The loss of leaves is probably due to the lower light levels combined with the lower humidity (depending where you live). The humidifier should help. Also, check the tree for any pests on the leaves, since these can cause leaf drop. The tree should still recover in the spring and put out new leaves. Just make sure you water the plant enough to keep the soil a little bit moist but not too wet.

When you move the plant back outdoors in spring, do it gradually so it has time to adjust to the higher levels of sunlight and the temperature change. Placing it in the shade first, then moving it to sun is a good idea.

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