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Q.Christmas Rose

Zone Lincolnshire, UK | Gozzeruk added on August 28, 2017 | Answered

I was given a Christmas Rose in Dec, and kept it in my conservatory until February. It was flowering nicely, and I planted it outside. It was flowering nicely until about May/June, when I began to trim off the dead looking leaves. After a couple of weeks, there appeRed to be no plant showing at all! Is this normal, or have I managed to kill a plant which people say is almost un killable? There is still no sign of plant.
Appreciate anyone’s help.
Andy G

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2017

Thank you Downtoearthdigs for your reply. I think I will wait to see what happens this year. Appreciate you time and advice.

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Answered on August 29, 2017

It is best to plant Helebores outside. They actually need a chill time in order to bloom. Most bloom in early winter in mild climates and in late winter or very early spring where the ground freezes hard.
Although evergreen, the foliage often looks tattered in early spring. Prune back dead and disfigured foliage before new growth appears.
Remove old flower stems when they decline, cutting back to basal foliage, but take care not to remove the stems of Bear’s-foot Hellebore (H. foetidus), because they carry the flower buds formed in the previous growing season.
If seedlings are not desired, remove old flowers before seed is set.
Do not prune back now; wait until early spring.

It would be difficult to determine if your plant is still alive with just this description.
You can plant out the roots and see if it comes back in the spring.


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