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Christmas Cactus Plants

Q.Christmas cactus problem

Zone Salem OR (zone 8 I think) | Anonymous added on April 26, 2019 | Answered

My pictures will probably tell you My problem better than I can.. I have had this Cactus for about five years and it grew and bloomed for three months every year but I decided to repot it and potted it in regular potting soil and it has gone downhill ever since I did get cactus soil and repot it about 2 weeks ago but it continues to be droopy loose color in the leaves like the brown spots you can see and some of the ends of the joints are almost a faded purple color..
I would appreciate any suggestions on what I might do to save this plant it has a good heart and still trying to bloom even though it seems tortured.
P.S. I have a young Christmas cactus it’s about a year old and a foot-and-a-half a crossed sitting right next to it so the exposure to light is the same on both plants and it has no problem..
Thank you so much, I don’t want to lose my little Jewel of a cactus

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