Q.Christmas Cactus Base Leaves Look Dried Up. Droopy
Can it be fixed and how.House plant
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to see the problem at hand. There are several causes for this, though. This can be overwatering, underwatering, pests, poor lighting, too much lighting, and many other factors.
The best place to start is knowing how to care for the particular plant, exactly. Christmas cacti are not cared for as you would a houseplant or typical cactus. They will not do well with overwatering, or completely drying out. They cannot tolerate full sun, or bright, direct light. They need bright, but filtered light. This can be through a thin shade, or under the canopy of other plants.
The care is not a simple process, and there is a lot to know, but this article will offer information on the plant's care: