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Apricot Trees

Q.Chinese sweet apricot tree

Zone 11704 | Nickyjc6913 added on March 20, 2016 | Answered

How many years does it take, typically, for an apricot tree to develop fruit? This year mine will be four years old and it still hasn’t produce fruit. The tree seems to be healthy even now as it’s just waking up from its winter slumber.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 20, 2016

A common complaint about Apricots are that late frosts kill off the blossoms very easily. This will result in little or no fruit.

A healthy Apricot Tree should began bearing fruit in the 3rd or 4th year of planting.

You may want to have a soil test performed to see if you are lacking nutrients in the soil.


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