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Poppy Flowers

Q.chinese poppy

Zone 15237 | Anonymous added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

The leaves at the bottom are yellow. Should I “trim” the plant? I purchased 2 of these plants on clearance for $1, 2 years ago, planted them and waited 2 years for them to bloom. I had no idea what they were as there was no ID tag with them. Talk
about a surprise this year !!! So what do I do now that the lower foliage is yellow and the flowers have drooped?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 3, 2017

If your plants have already bloomed and the temperatures in your area are beginning to heat up, your Poppy may be starting to go dormant (which is normal). They don't bloom for too terribly long, and they're normally done by the time the summer flowers get going. Extra water will actually kill them, so let them live out their lifecycle so that you can enjoy them next year!

This article may help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/poppy/growing-oriental-poppies.htm

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