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China Girl/Boy Holly Bushes

Q.china girl holly dry and brittle

Zone 6 | claudiab6 added on February 27, 2012 | Answered

China girl holly, dying in sections–one stem dry, brittle and still has berries but they are drying up. No break in branch and there are no animals around to damage. There are others planted next to this one and they are doing well. Also, there is no sign of insects.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 4, 2012

There are several things that can cause this. One is that it is not getting enough water, either due to under watering or due to a root rot or other damage to the roots.

Where it is planted may also be affecting it. While the other plants are fine, it may be in a spot that gets more wind or more sun, which can also damage it.

And it may also be a fungus. There are several that can cause branches to die off.

I would check the roots for damage and treat with a fungicide. This may help.

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