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Cherry Trees

Q.dead branches on cherry

Zone Oregon, Ohio 43616 | Pam M added on April 25, 2016 | Answered

Cherry tree with few new leaves and buds and a lot of dead branches. I pruned my cherry tree back last summer while it was still full of leaves. After a few weeks, all the leaves fell off. This spring at least 1/3 of the branches are dead and there are few blossoms. I put tree spike fertilizer around it. Should I cut off the dead branches or leave them on? Tree looks bad.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2016

The type of Cherry Tree that you have and the timing of the prune could certainly be the reason for some die off on your tree.
The prune could have left the tree open to fungus or disease.
You can prune the dead branches at any time. I would advise doing this during a dry period.

A low nitrogen fertilizer is recommended for Cherry Trees.
An application of a 5-10-10 fertilizer applied in the spring a few weeks before blooming is a good application.
High nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided and if the tree is in your yard and you fertilize the lawn, your tree does not need any extra nitrogen.
In this case use a 0-10-10 or something similar.

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