Q.Cherry Bay Leaves Loosing Colours And Have Holes
Hi I was wondering if you would be able to give us some advice please. Last March we planted cherry laurel which was 225cm. This year we have found that the leaves are suffering on some of the plants. They are loosing colour and also some of the leaves have holes in them. Can you advise on what we can do to make the plants healthy again? Thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks like cherry shothole disease, unfortunately. Depending on the species of the shothole, fungicides may or may not work. It is a good idea to treat it, anyway, because it may help reduce symptoms.
Management is thew best bet, here. This means cleaning up any leaves that fall, or die on the branches, as soon as you notice them. Keep all debris cleaned up and Improve air circulation to the inner portions of the plant.