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Cherry Trees


Zone Kellerberrin WA 6410 | vjm24j@bigpond.com added on February 13, 2016 | Answered

I have planted cherry seeds after enjoying eating them at the orchard. All the seeds came up and grew well as a creepers, not a tree plant. As soon as the hot weather came, they died, even with good watering. A week ago, six months after dying, I noticed that they have re-appeared in the pots as creepers again since a summer rain. Why am I not getting cherry trees and getting a wide spreading creeper from the seeds? I was so looking forward to a field of cherries in a few years.

Please help.
VJW. Kellerberrin WA

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 14, 2016

Unfortunately the seed that you collect from the tree will not produce a true plant.

Here is a link that will explain the process.

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