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Soil Contamination

Q.Changing My Soil

Zone m2h 3b6 | Anonymous added on May 4, 2021 | Answered

About 5 years ago, the garden in our yard was infected with rat poison by the homeowner, by burying the poison into the soil. We wish to revitalize the 3 x 4 metre yard with both vegetation and other plants – and are aware that we would need to change the soil. Therefore, my question pertains to how much soil would be required and how much soil needs to be removed (i.e. depth) thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 6, 2021

This is an issue you should probably discuss with whatever university agricultural extension agents are in your area. There are many variables here, and I don't think I can give you a perfect answer. This article is about disinfecting contaminated soil:
and this one can help you solarize your soil:
However, rat poison is a serious issue. If your area has a poison control center, they may be able to help you with this,

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