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Celeste Fig Trees

Q.Celeste Fig Dropping Fruit

Anonymous added on August 26, 2011 | Answered

I have a Celeste tree that has been plantd for 3 years that forms fruit that grows to about finger size, then turns yellow and drops. It receives the same care as my Chicago Hardy and Brown Turkey plants that fruit. How can I resolve this problem?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 27, 2011

Are you sure it is a Celeste? To be honest, it almost sounds like the figs are not properly pollinated, which would not be a problem with the Celeste. The other possibility is that the tree is not quite mature enough to hold onto its fruit well. The older a tree gets, teh better it is at producing fruit. If you have not read this, this article will help as well:

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