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Carolina Jessamine Plants

Q.Carolina jessamine

Zone 92630 | Anonymous added on November 22, 2018 | Answered

Many of the leaves on my Carolina jessamine are yellow? Is it getting too much water, not enough water or does it need fertilizer?
I live in Southern California (Orange County)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 23, 2018

C. jessamine needs fast-draining soil. If yours is in clay, over-watering is likely. This causes roots to rot so they can't take up moisture and nutrients. If this is the cause, the plant should look droopy, like a plant that needs watering. If the leaves look robust but the wrong color, 2 other possibilities exist. If it is just new leaves that are yellow, try adding nitrogen. If it both new and old leaves, the soil may be low in iron causing iron chlorosis. This is more likely in alkaline soils or your region may be naturally low in iron. Read this article for more information on diagnosing and treating iron chlorosis: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/leaf-chlorosis-and-iron.htm

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