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Lycianthes Plants

Q.Caring for Lycianthes rantonnetii, (blue) over winter

Zone Billericay | Anonymous added on August 21, 2020 | Answered

I have 2 solanum as standard bushes in decent size pots at the front of my house which is mainly east facing. They have bloomed profusely and I’m very pleased with them. Approx 3’ tall. I’ve kept their ball shape, just by gently using secateurs. They’ve nearly come to the end of their flowering period and would really like to keep them over the winter to bloom again for next year. Could you tell me what I need to do with them. I have a small conservatory that I can use but no greenhouse

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 24, 2020

Your conservatory should be fine for overwintering your plants if the temperature stays above 40 degrees F, but does not get warm enough to confuse them. If your weather gets extremely cold, you may want to consider mulching around the base of the plants and even wrapping them with protective material.
Here are two articles that will help:

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