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Kalanchoe Plants

Q.Caring for kalanchoe thyrsiflora

Zone High Point NC 27262 | Anonymous added on December 28, 2018 | Answered

I was given a mature plant that was kept outside. It has leaves at the bottom and a four foot tall flowering stalk coming from the center. I need to repot since it’s starting to fall over. Questions: what happens when it stops flowering, does it die, keep on getting taller? If so how tall? It’s with another thyrsiflora. It may be an offshoot. Can I split it off like you do with bulbs? How big should the new pot be?
Pete Kopack

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 29, 2018

You can split the offshoot off. This will be no problem. It looks like the flowering stalk will mark how tall the plant has the potential to reach. You may cut these back pretty hard after they are done flowering. This will cause them to spread. Since the plant is not too large yet, you can split them and put each in a one gallon container until you start to notice a large amount of roots coming out of the bottom of the pot.

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