Q.Care Of Venus Fly Trap
I’ve just bought two little Venus fly traps. I was going to repot them, as I think their store pots are too small. Is this right? Which soil is best? Also should I repot the moss with them as well? Thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I don't think that they look overcrowded, at all! This is how they grow in nature. I would keep the pot inside of a bowl that is filled with fresh water every few days. They are bog plants, and need to be in a bog setting. Because of this, it is important to keep the water fresh, due to sulfur reducing bacteria being a problem with these plants.
When you go to repot, Do so with care. Use a mix of Sphagnum and sand, or perlite. NEVER use potting soil, and NEVER feed the soil-less mix with fertilizer. This is a death sentence. If they do not have access to insects, then spray the trap portion with a 1/4 strength orchid fertilizer.
Here is an article that will help: