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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Care of snowball bush?

Zone Chatham, Ontario, Canada | Anonymous added on June 11, 2018 | Answered

If the snow ball bush is finished blooming, can I cut off the dead heads?
What soil treats does it like?
When is best to move small, new shoots?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2018

Prune after bloom. The plant has now finished blooming, but it has not set buds for next year yet. If you prune immediately after the blooms turn brown or start to set seed, your plant will have time to grow new branches and set buds for next year's flowers. Pruning immediately after bloom time means your plant will be able to produce blooms next year.
You could also trim from deep inside the plant by cutting close to the trunk and removing whole large branches. This technique opens up the interior for air and light and can reduce overall size. Your objective is to reduce the size by cutting branches shorter but also leaving branches of various lengths.
Soil should be loamy and well draining.

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