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Hyacinth Plant

Q.care of rough blazing star

Zone 4 | Anonymous added on August 2, 2018 | Answered

I planted rough Blazing star this spring. The plants came up nicely but now the tops are sniped off. Are rabbits attracted to them? If so, what do you recommend to repel them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 3, 2018

Blazing star, Liatris species, are relatively free of pests and animal nibbling. Deer will eat them but are not a preferred food. Groundhogs/woodchucks are a greater nemesis. Squirrels and rabbits generally leave them alone. Groundhogs love to burrow and make homes under sheds, decks and porches. If you find large holes - about 9"- you have a woodchuck den. They can be live-trapped and relocated. Otherwise, you're left with caging the plant before flowers open; groundhogs are more likely to eat flower stems than flowers. Regular visits by the family dog will go further than repellents on the market. Planting Liatris among woody herbs like sage, including Russian sage and thyme may also spare your plant. Good luck.

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