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Container Hydrangea Plants

Q.Care of Potted Hydrangea

jerpam8fish added on January 27, 2011 | Answered

received a potted Hydrangea as a gift. I have had it a week. Every morning since I got the plant it is wilted. I sprayed it with water and it comes back. I am very disapointed. Can someone please help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 27, 2011

It may need more water. Hydrangea like water. If the soil has been allowed to completely dry out (which often happens at the store), it may be repelling water. I would soak the pot in a sink filled with water for an hour or so to make sure the soil is rehydrated, then make sure to keep the plant watered when the top of the soil feels just barely dry to the touch.

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