Q.Care of orchids indoors
I was given three orchids in a large pot almost two years ago. They clearly love their location in front of a bow window facing SW. I water them 2x a week and let them dry out before watering again. Some of the blossoms started to wilt last year. After I repotted them they visibly thrived and grew taller and taller – up to two feet. During this time I didn’t notice any wilting blossoms at all. Now that wilting phenomenon has begun again.
What I’m wondering is: Might they be getting too tall?
Should orchids ever be pruned back to soil let? Or – WHERE should they be cut when all the blossoms of a stem have wilted and dropped off?
Thank you for any suggestions you can give me.
Orchids do not bloom constantly. They have a bloom period and then after the blooms have died, the plants need a dormancy period.
Occasional repotting is needed for Orchids. They also need regular watering and feeding. Wilting could be due to overcrowded plants or watering issues.
Here are some links to help you.