Q.Bishop’s Weed and Stella Dora Daylilies
Do I cut off the pods on the Daylilies once the blooms have died, or do I cut the whole stem down? And, if I cut down the whole stem, will they bloom again this season?
My bishops weed has turned brown and burned from all this 90 degree weather. If I cut it all down, will it grow back again this summer?

Deadheading your Daylilies each day, will help the remainder flowers open and bloom fully.
When all the flowers have bloomed, you can then cut that stalk down to the plant base.
There are some varieties of Daylily that bloom more then once a growing season, but the vast majority will bloom only once.
Allow the foliage to die down naturally to feed the plant for next years flowers.
Cutting back the Bishop's Weeds should not effect the plants too terribly much, as they are quite hardy.
They may grow back slightly this season, but a recovering for next year is most likely.