Q.Care for Cherry Laurel Hedge
My Cherry Laurel Hedge needs a really radical trimming in height and width. Currently stands at 12 ft tall and 5 ft wide. I need it at 7-8 ft high and 3 ft. wide.
My nagging worry is that I will remove almost all of the leaves in the process and be left with bark. Can it be expected that it will get bushy once again following this cut? If yes how best to cut it, apply which manure later to encourage growth, and how long is the wait approximatelygoing to be?
The hedge is overall quite healthy along its 25 meter length and has deep roots since 10+ years.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They respond well to heavy pruning so I don't think you will have a problem. Cut just above a leaf when pruning. Refrain from pruning past August as the shrub may not harden off before winter.