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Caper Bush

Q.Caper bush

Zone Almeria | Anonymous added on June 2, 2018 | Answered

I live in Spain and had a caper bush growing out of my terrace tiles. It produced lots of capers the first year that we moved into the house. The second year, we had builders in, who thought they were doing me a favour by cutting it right down to the ground, twice, as it was starting to sprout. That was my n early May. This year the roots are still visible in the tile cracks, but no sprouting as yet, and it’s June. Could the builders have destroyed the plant for good, or is there still a chance it is still alive and sprout later?

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Answered on June 2, 2018

into the house. The second year, we had builders in, who thought they were doing me a favour by cutting it right down to the ground, twice, as it was starting to sprout. That was my n early May. This year the roots are still visible in the tile cracks, but no sprouting as yet, and it's June. Could the builders have destroyed the plant for good, or is there still a chance it is still alive and sprout later?

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