Q.Cape Plumbago
I have a cape Plumbo
go in zone 9 in a wine barrel. It is in the shade on the patio. It is looking really sparse. Can I cut it back so it will grow better. I sprayed it with insect spary as it looked like it was being eaten by something. I would love to save it.
Thank you,
Kathy Fischer
e-mail: kathyjofischer1@att.net
If it is possible, move the plant to where it gets nearly full sun. The small groundcover plumbago likes shade but you have a different species and it needs sun. Try to get a picture of insects that are bothering your plants. There are several free online insect ID sites. With an ID, you can determine which insecticide is appropriate, if any. If your plant is still struggling in more sun, post a picture and we'll try again to help. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/plumbago/growing-plumbago-plants.htm