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Q.Candytuft (Zone 9) under drought conditions

Zone Zone 9 | CrazyBasenjiLady added on May 9, 2014 | Answered

How would Candytuft do in South Texas (Corpus Christi area) during drought condition? I am looking for anything other than traditional mulch–something more natural and less taxing on my hubby’s back. Ground cover plants are what I want, but can they handle the heat?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 9, 2014

Candy tuft likes good drainage, but it needs watering in dry places; also it needs to be cut back after blooming. Here's an article on good perennials for South Texas; some of them are ground covers: https://bexar-tx.tamu.edu/earth-kind-horticulture/best-plants-for-bexar-county-south-texas/perennial-plants-for-south-texas-landscapes/

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