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Hyacinth Plant

Q.container veggies over winter

Zone salem ma | tmyers1017 added on September 27, 2015 | Answered

Can (container) pepper plants be moved indoors for winter? Are there other veggies that can go inside? It’s getting cold outside and I still have flower buds. I have container veggies (pepper and eggplant). Is there a way they will produce if I move them inside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 29, 2015

You can cover the plants if the temperatures fall during the evening hours. Uncover them again in the morning when freezing temperatures have warmed. This can help you stretch the growing season.
You will not be able to winter over vegetable plants indoors. Vegetables need 6 plus hours of full sunlight. Your plants are nearing the end of their life as annuals.

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