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Zebra Grass

Q.Can You Transplant Zebra Grass Now

Zone WV | docholwd added on June 14, 2013 | Answered

They were planted in the fall by a friend and now I have 4 other plants all in the same area. I need to move them, but afraid I will kill them. The other plants are orange butterfly, white dragon flower, bee balm and a chandler blueberry.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2013

The grass would have been best transplanted in mid-late March. It's better to do it now rather than the fall. Grasses tend to perform better with spring transplanting. Just don't forget to keep it watered until it's established. You also might want to cut most of the foliage back to about 12''. (so the stress of trying to keep a bunch of leaves won't bee to much for the plant to handle.)

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