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Lemon Trees

Q.Can you repot a lemon tree full of lemons?

Zone Greensboro, N.C. | Anonymous added on October 8, 2019 | Answered

I purchased a lemon tree that was in full bloom. It is now full of lemons. The pot is really to small for the tree. Would the tree go into shock if I repot it now? I plan on bringing it inside for the winter.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2019

Yes you can. You might lose some lemons, but you shouldn't lose the tree. It depends on your skill at handling the soil-root-ball during the transplant. If you can slide it out of the existing pot and just loosen some of the circling roots without major root cutting or root loss, and if you don't allow the root ball to break apart as you place it in the new pot and backfill, then you will cause only minor transplant stress. If you can't slide it out, then break the old pot to get it out, don't break the root ball. Get an extra pair of hands to help in holding it together if you need to.


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