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Watering Plants

Q.Can You Provide A Guide On Drip Irrigation For Window Boxes And Hanging Baskets?

Zone Conyers, GA 8a | cherbig57 added on November 17, 2023 | Answered

I have three coco liner hay rack window boxes that are approximately 40″ long x 14″ wide x 14″ deep across the front of my house. They face the southern sun and get late afternoon shade. I installed drip irrigation this year. Still learning how much water to apply. I ran it for one hour every morning because there were some plants that needed a little more water in the sun. I haven’t installed drip irrigation to my hanging coco fiber 17″ baskets yet. I have four of those facing south as well. How much water for them remains? I realize that in the winter it’s much less water. However, we are in a very hot and humid zone 8a. Thank you, Cindy

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