Q.older leaves on tomatoes turn brown and crispy
Can you identify – older leaves on tomatoes turn brown and crispy. Also, affecting peppers and eggplant. Rapidly spreading, leaves at bottom turn brown, crispy, spreading to peppers, eggplant. Could not find pics online of verticulum wilt, just not sure what this is. Please help save my little container garden. I don’t want to just spray chemicals, as then the hummingbirds will leave.
Are the plants receiving adequate water? Is the soil overwatered?
Do the post have good quality potting mix and have adequate drainage?
6 to 8 hours of bright sunlight daily for your vegetable garden to grow.
Have you been using fertilizer? To much fertilizer can be harmful to the vegetables.
Are you seeing any signs of insects or disease?
Correct any watering issues and I would spray your plants with Neem Oil.
It works as both a fungicide and insecticide. This will not harm the Humming Birds.