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Q.Can You Identify My Plant?

Zone BD20 9NP | Anonymous added on June 5, 2022 | Answered

I bought these as tiny black seeds from China as Brugmansia (Angel’s Trumpets) but they look nothing like the images on the internet, especially the leaves. I planted them in March and they have grown really quickly. Can you confirm that’s what these are, please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 13, 2022

If you didn't buy the seeds from a reputable nursery, there is a good chance you got something other than brugmansia. Your photo didn't come through, so I can't ID the plant. Cultivars cannot be grown from seed, so unless you purchased species seeds, it may be a scam. Plus, the article below says the seeds are large.



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