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Dragon Fruit Tree

Q.Can You Grow A Dragon Fruit Plant From A Cutting From A Seedling And Expect Fruit Sooner?

Zone Columbia MO | Anonymous added on July 13, 2023 | Answered

I am on vacation with my family and we got these dragon fruits from the local farmers market. I am wanting to grow some at home so I’ve collected seeds. I’ve read that it takes up to 7 years to expect fruit from a seedling dragon fruit whereas from a cutting you can expect fruit in a couple years. I wanted to find out if I cut a cutting of my new seedling could I expect fruit sooner or does it have to be from a plant that has produced fruit before. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 14, 2023

It would need to be from a mature plant. It will take quite a while for your seedling to mature. Here is more:


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