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Hellebore Plants

Q.Can You Cut A Helleborus To The Ground

Zone loganville ga 30052 | gmamoon65 added on June 5, 2020 | Answered

my hellebores was blooming great and then it began to turn yellow. can i cut it back to the ground to see if it will put back out. have had this plant for a couple years

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 9, 2020

You can cut them to the ground when necessary, but it won't fix the issue. You will need to find out why it went yellow, first. Unfortunately, your image did not come through, so I am unable to see the exact look of the damage.

Commonly, getting too much sun will cause most of the yellowing. They are meant for shade and will not do well with any direct sun.

Underfeeding is not common, but can be an issue.

Soils that remain too saturated for too long can cause this as well. The soil shouldn't only dry out down to about an inch between waterings. You don't want any drier than that, but you don't want it to remain wet, either.

Here is an article for more information on the care of Hellebores:



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