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Q.can you compost dog urine?

craig76 added on June 1, 2012 | Answered

My dog urinates on sheets of newspaper that I put down for him. Can I put that newspaper in my compost bin?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2012

If you keep a properly heated compost bin, then it is ok. But most people do not maintain their compost pile to reach optimal temperatures. Feces and urine from animals that eat meat can contain pathogens that are harmful to people and will only be killed if a compost pile reaches optimal temperatures, so it is generally recommended that you do not put waste from a meat eating animal in your compost pile.

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Answered on August 20, 2012

you can if you keep at the right temperature wich is almost impossible . you would have to have some equiment to do that so i would not suggest it enless you want your plants or you get sick

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