Q.Can you safely grow a Cheal’s Weeping Cherry Tree (Prunus \’Kiku-shidare-zakura\) in a container
Dear Sirs,
Can you help me please.
I am thinking of growing a Cheal’s Weeping Cherry (Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura) in a container in my garden. Are these suitable for growing in a container and what size container would you recommend.
I have been looking are various types of potting soil and I have been looking at one that is 50% peat free and 8 months slow release feed and water retention material with the soil. Is this suitable or do you need to use a special type of soil.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Colin Hurdsfield

Yes, this makes a good container tree.
Use a good quality commercial potting mix.
These articles will help you.